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Entity Extraction

What is entity extraction?

Entity extraction, also known as entity name extraction or named entity recognition (NER), is an information extraction technique that identifies key elements from unstructured text data and classifies them into predefined categories.

These categories include people, places, organizations, concepts, numerical expressions (e.g., dates, times, currency amounts, phone numbers), and temporal expressions (e.g., dates, time, duration, frequency). By extracting entities, unstructured data becomes machine-readable and available for standard natural language processing (NLP) actions such as retrieving information, extracting facts, and answering questions.

Use cases of entity extraction at workplaces:

  • Customer feedback analysis: Extract brand names, product mentions, and competitor information from survey responses, product reviews, or social media posts to gain insights into customer perceptions and preferences.
  • Customer support automation: Extract relevant information from customer support tickets, such as product type, shipping date, serial numbers, company names, emails, or URLs, to automate ticket tagging and routing.
  • Content recommendation: Identify entities in product descriptions or content to deliver personalized recommendations tailored to users' preferences and behavior.
  • Data analysis and investigation: Extract entities from large datasets to provide a structured view of unknown information, enabling analysts to identify key people, companies, and other relevant information for further investigation.

Benefits of entity extraction:

  • Time-saving: Automating, identifying, and extracting key information from unstructured text saves countless hours of manual work.
  • Improved decision-making: Extracting relevant insights from customer feedback, support tickets, and other data sources enables teams to make data-driven decisions and improve processes.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Personalizing content recommendations and automating customer support processes based on extracted entities leads to better customer engagement and satisfaction.
  • Increased efficiency: Automatically extracting and structuring data from large datasets allows teams to quickly identify important information and focus on high-value tasks.
  • Scalability: As businesses grow, entity extraction enables teams to process and analyze increasing volumes of unstructured data without requiring additional manual resources.